
Future of Citizenship by Investment, 2024 Updates

Citizenship by Investment is no more a new idea for investors. People now understand the worth of a strong second passport more than ever. Covid, climatic changes, global inflation, political conflicts, and various other factors play a pivotal role in decision-making to get a second passport. A passport that has a strong standing globally is a Plan B if any unrest happens. It took the world some time to realize how Caribbean citizenship is a breath of fresh air for people who want a hassle-free life. From freedom of mobility to relocation in a peaceful secure space and getting access to the world’s best education and healthcare. Not only this but a chance to live a tax-free life. Being a citizen of any of the developing countries, you know taxation on everything is one of the major hurdles in your economic progression.

What’s New about Citizenship by Investment in 2024?

The world is changing so as the idea of Citizenship by Investment. The update that’s trending all over the internet is one of the major interventions that has ever happened in the history of Citizenship by Investment Programs. Some CBI Programs are here for a decade and some are even older than a decade. The requirements and benefits all these schemes offer are quite similar too. Now that there’s an upgrade in the threshold, it will be applicable for all as well. All this time, investors were able to get a second passport with a donation of $100,000 for a single applicant. But, from July 1st, this minimum donation is going higher to $200,000 for a single applicant. This news came up as a shock for investors but also motivated them to start their cases as soon as possible.

It’s already the last week of June and you are definitely running out of time if you have plans to apply for second citizenship. Forecast Immigration is offering the most exclusive rates till 30th June for interested candidates. If you will delay more, you have to pay the double amount. Make a smart move and book an appointment before the activation of the price hike.

Background of CBI Programs

Back in 1984, St. Kitts & Nevis introduced the idea of citizenship by investment to the world. The concept was new involving immigration authorities from all over the world. There was a risk of being scammed because even the minimum investment was huge. Ensuring that the applicant has a clean history and no visa rejections, people having two or more spouses, the family inclusion as dependents were some major initial challenges for CBI Units of all the countries. But with time, policies got better. The host countries now have their own authorized agents globally to proceed the CBI applications.

Dominica Citizenship by Investment, No.1 CBI scheme for consecutive 5 years came into existence in the early 90’s. Later, Grenda, Antigua & Barbuda & St. Lucia initiated their CBI Programs. Now the Caribbean Region has become a hub of Global Citizens. During the last 30 years, thousands of families from all over the world became Caribbean citizens. And now it’s time for you to become a global citizen.

Why Choose Forecast Immigration?

We are a one-stop solution for all the queries related to immigration. Our team of expert immigration advisors will assist you with fast and easy processing. We are here to fulfill your citizenship by investment dream with comfort. From application submission to the arrival of your passport, we take 100% responsibility to make your case a success story. You can call us at: ๐ŸŽ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ” or visit our website to book an appointment, Click here.


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